All terms in MAELSTROM
Label | Id | Description |
Social environment and relationships | ZBMED_MS_00000000133 | [Information about relationships and support given and received from the social environment.] |
Other and unspecified pharmacological interventions | ZBMED_MS_0000000078 | [Information about other pharmacological interventions not mentioned above or unspecified pharmacological interventions (e.g. sunscreen).] |
Medication and supplements | ZBMED_MS_0000000075 | [Information about medication (whether prescribed or over the counter), including drugs and supplements (e.g. vitamins, plant extracts) used to treat or prevent diseases or to alleviate symptoms of diseases.] |
Social network | ZBMED_MS_00000000134 | [Information about the composition of personal relationships (e.g. number of friends, number of years since friends were made). Also see Dom. 1 'Socio-demographic and economic characteristics', under 'Family and household structure'.] |
Posology and protocol of administration | ZBMED_MS_0000000077 | [Information about the context of medication use (e.g. time, frequency and quantity of medication taken, absorption route and adherence).] |
Social participation | ZBMED_MS_00000000135 | [Information about social involvement and interaction with others (e.g. volunteering, making donations, participating in recreational and religious activities). ] |
Medication and supplement intake | ZBMED_MS_0000000076 | [Information about any drugs or medications that treat, prevent or alleviate symptoms of a disease (e.g. Advil, chemotherapy, vitamin C, Ginseng, nicotine patches, vaccination).] |
Social support | ZBMED_MS_00000000136 | [Information about actual or perceived social support. Support can be emotional (e.g. having friends, family members to talk to or to ask for help), or instrumental (e.g. access to information, financial and practical help). The support can be given or received and is based on a personal relationship.] |
Parenting and familial environment | ZBMED_MS_00000000137 | [Information about parenting style and behaviours, the parent-child attachment and the home atmosphere (e.g. reading to your child, rules and discipline). Also see Dom. 15 'Preschool, school and professional life', under 'Preschool life' for information about child care and daycare environment.] |
Symptoms related to multiple categories | ZBMED_MS_0000000074 | [Information about past and current symptoms and signs related to multiple categories of symptoms and signs (e.g. number of symptoms, unspecified symptoms).] |
School life | ZBMED_MS_00000000130 | [Information about the school environment (e.g. participation in school activities, favourite subject, performance, number of days missing school, services and support offered by the school). Also see Dom. 1 'Socio-demographic and economic characteristics', under 'Education' for information about the level of education achieved.] |
Preschool, school and work life | ZBMED_MS_00000000128 | [Information about preschool life, school life and work life.] |
Work life | ZBMED_MS_00000000131 | [Information about the job environment (e.g. responsibilities at work, satisfaction with current employment, reasons for reduction in work performance). Also see Dom. 1 'Socio-demographic and economic characteristics', under 'Labour force and retirement' for information about employment status.] |
Other preschool, school or work life-related information | ZBMED_MS_00000000132 | [Information about other preschool, school or work life-related information.] |
Symptoms and signs involving speech and voice (R47-R49) | /R47-R49 | [Information about past and current symptoms and signs involving speech and voice (e.g. aphasia, dysphonia, hypernasality).] |
Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (L00-L99) | /XII | [Information about past and current diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (e.g. dermatitis, eczema, urticaria, erythema).] |
Other life events, plans and beliefs | ZBMED_MS_00000000127 | [Information about other events, plans and personal beliefs.] |
Life events, life plans, beliefs and values | ZBMED_MS_00000000123 | [Information about life events, life plans, beliefs and values.] |
Symptoms and signs involving the skin and subcutaneous tissue (R20-R23) | /R20-R23 | [Information about past and current symptoms and signs involving the skin and subcutaneous tissue (e.g. local swellings, masses, lumps, cyanosis, flushing, desquamation).] |
Preschool life | ZBMED_MS_00000000129 | [Information about the care and daycare environment (e.g. frequency of daycare attendance, person taking care of the child during the day, satisfaction with the care received). Also see Dom. 16 'Social environment and relationships', under 'Parenting and familial environment' for information about parenting style and behaviours.] |