All properties in MESH
Label | Id | Description |
creator | creator | |
cui | cui | |
definition | definition | [A statement or formal explanation of the meaning of a concept.] |
description | description | |
editorialNote | editorialNote | [A note for an editor, translator or maintainer of the vocabulary.] |
exactMatch | exactMatch | [skos:exactMatch is used to link two concepts, indicating a high degree of confidence that the concepts can be used interchangeably across a wide range of information retrieval applications. skos:exactMatch is a transitive property, and is a sub-property of skos:closeMatch.] |
example | example | [An example of the use of a concept.] |
hasSTY | hasSTY | |
hasTopConcept | hasTopConcept | [Relates, by convention, a concept scheme to a concept which is topmost in the broader/narrower concept hierarchies for that scheme, providing an entry point to these hierarchies.] |
has_mapping_qualifier | has_mapping_qualifier | |
hiddenLabel | hiddenLabel | [A lexical label for a resource that should be hidden when generating visual displays of the resource, but should still be accessible to free text search operations.] |
historyNote | historyNote | [A note about the past state/use/meaning of a concept.] |
inScheme | inScheme | [Relates a resource (for example a concept) to a concept scheme in which it is included.] |
inverse_isa | inverse_isa | |
isDefinedBy | isDefinedBy | |
isa | isa | |
label | label | |
mapped_from | mapped_from | |
mapped_to | mapped_to | |
mappingRelation | mappingRelation | [Relates two concepts coming, by convention, from different schemes, and that have comparable meanings] |