All individuals in MESHD
Label | Id | Description |
Breast Neoplasms | D001943 | [Cancer of the human MAMMARY GLAND., Tumor or cancer of the human MAMMARY GLAND., Tumors or cancer of the human BREAST.] |
Breast Neoplasms, Male | D018567 | [Any neoplasms of the male breast. These occur infrequently in males in developed countries, the incidence being about 1% of that in females.] |
Breech Presentation | D001946 | [A malpresentation of the FETUS at near term or during OBSTETRIC LABOR with the fetal cephalic pole in the fundus of the UTERUS. There are three types of breech: the complete breech with flexed hips and knees; the incomplete breech with one or both hips partially or fully extended; the frank breech with flexed hips and extended knees.] |
Brenner Tumor | D001948 | [A smooth, solid or cystic fibroepithelial (FIBROEPITHELIAL NEOPLASMS) tumor, usually found in the OVARIES but can also be found in the adnexal region and the KIDNEYS. It consists of a fibrous stroma with nests of epithelial cells that sometimes resemble the transitional cells lining the urinary bladder. Brenner tumors generally are benign and asymptomatic. Malignant Brenner tumors have been reported., Brenner tumor of borderline malignancy.] |
Bronchial Diseases | D001982 | [Diseases involving the BRONCHI.] |
Bronchial Fistula | D001983 | [An abnormal passage or communication between a bronchus and another part of the body.] |
Bronchial Hyperreactivity | D016535 | [Tendency of the smooth muscle of the tracheobronchial tree to contract more intensely in response to a given stimulus than it does in the response seen in normal individuals. This condition is present in virtually all symptomatic patients with asthma. The most prominent manifestation of this smooth muscle contraction is a decrease in airway caliber that can be readily measured in the pulmonary function laboratory.] |
Bronchial Neoplasms | D001984 | [Tumors or cancer of the BRONCHI.] |
Bronchial Spasm | D001986 | [Spasmodic contraction of the smooth muscle of the bronchi.] |
Bronchiectasis | D001987 | [Persistent abnormal dilatation of the bronchi.] |
Bronchiolitis | D001988 | [Inflammation of the BRONCHIOLES.] |
Bronchiolitis Obliterans | D001989 | [A form that is histologically characterized by intraluminal polyps of organizing connective tissue., Inflammation of the BRONCHIOLES leading to an obstructive lung disease. Bronchioles are characterized by fibrous granulation tissue with bronchial exudates in the lumens. Clinical features include a nonproductive cough and DYSPNEA., A form that is characterized by partial or complete obstruction of bronchiolar lumens resulting from chronic bronchiolar inflammation, scarring, and smooth muscle hypertrophy.] |
Bronchiolitis, Viral | D001990 | [An acute inflammatory disease of the lower RESPIRATORY TRACT, caused by paramyxoviruses, occurring primarily in infants and young children; the viruses most commonly implicated are PARAINFLUENZA VIRUS TYPE 3; RESPIRATORY SYNCYTIAL VIRUS, HUMAN; and METAPNEUMOVIRUS.] |
Bronchitis | D001991 | [Inflammation of the large airways in the lung including any part of the BRONCHI, from the PRIMARY BRONCHI to the TERTIARY BRONCHI.] |
Bronchitis, Chronic | D029481 | [A subcategory of CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE. The disease is characterized by hypersecretion of mucus accompanied by a chronic (more than 3 months in 2 consecutive years) productive cough. Infectious agents are a major cause of chronic bronchitis.] |
Bronchogenic Cyst | D001994 | [A usually spherical cyst, arising as an embryonic out-pouching of the foregut or trachea. It is generally found in the mediastinum or lung and is usually asymptomatic unless it becomes infected.] |
Bronchomalacia | D055091 | [A congenital or acquired condition of underdeveloped or degeneration of CARTILAGE in the BRONCHI. This results in a floppy bronchial wall making patency difficult to maintain. It is characterized by wheezing and difficult breathing.] |
Bronchopneumonia | D001996 | [Inflammation of the lung parenchyma that is associated with BRONCHITIS, usually involving lobular areas from TERMINAL BRONCHIOLES to the PULMONARY ALVEOLI. The affected areas become filled with exudate that forms consolidated patches.] |
Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia | D001997 | [A chronic lung disease developed after OXYGEN INHALATION THERAPY or mechanical ventilation (VENTILATION, MECHANICAL) usually occurring in certain premature infants (INFANT, PREMATURE) or newborn infants with respiratory distress syndrome (RESPIRATORY DISTRESS SYNDROME, NEWBORN). Histologically, it is characterized by the unusual abnormalities of the bronchioles, such as METAPLASIA, decrease in alveolar number, and formation of CYSTS.] |
Bronchopulmonary Sequestration | D001998 | [A developmental anomaly in which a mass of nonfunctioning lung tissue lacks normal connection with the tracheobroncheal tree and receives an anomalous blood supply originating from the descending thoracic or abdominal aorta. The mass may be extralobar, i.e., completely separated from normally connected lung, or intralobar, i.e., partly surrounded by normal lung.] |