All individuals in MESHD
Label | Id | Description |
Choroid Hemorrhage | D002832 | [Hemorrhage from the vessels of the choroid.] |
Choroid Neoplasms | D002830 | [Tumors of the choroid; most common intraocular tumors are malignant melanomas of the choroid. These usually occur after puberty and increase in incidence with advancing age. Most malignant melanomas of the uveal tract develop from benign melanomas (nevi).] |
Choroid Plexus Neoplasms | D016545 | [Benign or malignant tumors which arise from the choroid plexus of the ventricles of the brain. Papillomas (see PAPILLOMA, CHOROID PLEXUS) and carcinomas are the most common histologic subtypes, and tend to seed throughout the ventricular and subarachnoid spaces. Clinical features include headaches, ataxia and alterations of consciousness, primarily resulting from associated HYDROCEPHALUS. (From Devita et al., Cancer: Principles and Practice of Oncology, 5th ed, p2072; J Neurosurg 1998 Mar;88(3):521-8)] |
Choroidal Neovascularization | D020256 | [A pathological process consisting of the formation of new blood vessels in the CHOROID.] |
Choroideremia | D015794 | [An X chromosome-linked abnormality characterized by atrophy of the choroid and degeneration of the retinal pigment epithelium causing night blindness.] |
Choroiditis | D002833 | [Inflammation of the choroid.] |
Chromoblastomycosis | D002862 | [Scaly papule or warty growth, caused by five fungi, that spreads as a result of satellite lesions affecting the foot or leg. The extremity may become swollen and, at its distal portion, covered with various nodular, tumorous, verrucous lesions that resemble cauliflower. In rare instances, the disease may begin on the hand or wrist and involve the entire upper extremity. (Arnold, Odom, and James, Andrew's Diseases of the Skin, 8th ed, p362)] |
Chromosomal Instability | D043171 | [An increased tendency to acquire CHROMOSOME ABERRATIONS when various processes involved in chromosome replication, repair, or segregation are dysfunctional.] |
Chromosome Aberrations | D002869 | [Abnormal number or structure of chromosomes. Chromosome aberrations may result in CHROMOSOME DISORDERS.] |
Chromosome Breakage | D019457 | [A type of chromosomal aberration involving DNA BREAKS. Chromosome breakage can result in CHROMOSOMAL TRANSLOCATION; CHROMOSOME INVERSION; or SEQUENCE DELETION.] |
Chromosome Deletion | D002872 | [Actual loss of portion of a chromosome.] |
Chromosome Disorders | D025063 | [Clinical conditions caused by an abnormal chromosome constitution in which there is extra or missing chromosome material (either a whole chromosome or a chromosome segment). (from Thompson et al., Genetics in Medicine, 5th ed, p429)] |
Chromosome Duplication | D058674 | [An aberration in which an extra chromosome or a chromosomal segment is made.] |
Chromosome Fragility | D002873 | [Susceptibility of chromosomes to breakage leading to translocation; CHROMOSOME INVERSION; SEQUENCE DELETION; or other CHROMOSOME BREAKAGE related aberrations.] |
Chromosome Inversion | D007446 | [An aberration in which a chromosomal segment is deleted and reinserted in the same place but turned 180 degrees from its original orientation, so that the gene sequence for the segment is reversed with respect to that of the rest of the chromosome.] |
Chromothripsis | D000072837 | [Massive number of chromosomal rearrangements and shattering that occurs in cancer cells. The breakpoints are located within one chromosome or chromosome arm.] |
Chronic Disease | D002908 | [Diseases which have one or more of the following characteristics: they are permanent, leave residual disability, are caused by nonreversible pathological alteration, require special training of the patient for rehabilitation, or may be expected to require a long period of supervision, observation, or care. (Dictionary of Health Services Management, 2d ed)] |
Chronic Kidney Disease-Mineral and Bone Disorder | D012080 | [Decalcification of bone or abnormal bone development due to chronic KIDNEY DISEASES, in which 1,25-DIHYDROXYVITAMIN D3 synthesis by the kidneys is impaired, leading to reduced negative feedback on PARATHYROID HORMONE. The resulting SECONDARY HYPERPARATHYROIDISM eventually leads to bone disorders.] |
Chronic Pain | D059350 | [A form of chronic pain that tends to be non-localized and wide-reaching., Aching sensation that persists for more than a few months. It may or may not be associated with trauma or disease, and may persist after the initial injury has healed. Its localization, character, and timing are more vague than with acute pain.] |
Chronic Periodontitis | D055113 | [Chronic inflammation and loss of PERIODONTIUM that is associated with the amount of DENTAL PLAQUE or DENTAL CALCULUS present. Chronic periodontitis occurs mostly in adults and was called adult periodontitis, but this disease can appear in young people.] |