All individuals in MESHD
Label | Id | Description |
Feline Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome | D016181 | [Acquired defect of cellular immunity that occurs in cats infected with feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and in some cats infected with feline leukemia virus (FeLV).] |
Feline Infectious Peritonitis | D016766 | [Common coronavirus infection of cats caused by the feline infectious peritonitis virus (CORONAVIRUS, FELINE). The disease is characterized by a long incubation period, fever, depression, loss of appetite, wasting, and progressive abdominal enlargement. Infection of cells of the monocyte-macrophage lineage appears to be essential in FIP pathogenesis.] |
Feline Panleukopenia | D005254 | [A highly contagious DNA virus infection of the cat family, characterized by fever, enteritis and bone marrow changes. It is also called feline ataxia, feline agranulocytosis, feline infectious enteritis, cat fever, cat plague, and show fever. It is caused by FELINE PANLEUKOPENIA VIRUS or the closely related MINK ENTERITIS VIRUS or CANINE PARVOVIRUS.] |
Felty Syndrome | D005258 | [A rare complication of rheumatoid arthritis with autoimmune NEUTROPENIA; and SPLENOMEGALY.] |
Female Athlete Triad Syndrome | D053716 | [A condition of competitive female athletes in which there are interrelated problems of feeding and eating disorders; AMENORRHEA; and OSTEOPOROSIS.] |
Female Urogenital Diseases | D052776 | [Pathological processes of the female URINARY TRACT and the reproductive system (GENITALIA, FEMALE).] |
Female Urogenital Diseases and Pregnancy Complications | D005261 | [Pathological processes of the female URINARY TRACT, the reproductive system (GENITALIA, FEMALE), and disorders related to PREGNANCY.] |
Feminization | D005262 | [Development of female secondary SEX CHARACTERISTICS in the MALE. It is due to the effects of estrogenic metabolites of precursors from endogenous or exogenous sources, such as ADRENAL GLANDS or therapeutic drugs.] |
Femoracetabular Impingement | D057925 | [A pathological mechanical process that can lead to hip failure. It is caused by abnormalities of the ACETABULUM and/or FEMUR combined with rigorous hip motion, leading to repetitive collisions that damage the soft tissue structures.] |
Femoral Fractures | D005264 | [Fractures of the femur.] |
Femoral Neck Fractures | D005265 | [Fractures of the short, constricted portion of the thigh bone between the femur head and the trochanters. It excludes intertrochanteric fractures which are HIP FRACTURES.] |
Femoral Neoplasms | D005266 | [New abnormal growth of tissue in the FEMUR.] |
Femoral Neuropathy | D020428 | [Disease involving the femoral nerve. The femoral nerve may be injured by ISCHEMIA (e.g., in association with DIABETIC NEUROPATHIES), nerve compression, trauma, COLLAGEN DISEASES, and other disease processes. Clinical features include MUSCLE WEAKNESS or PARALYSIS of hip flexion and knee extension, ATROPHY of the QUADRICEPS MUSCLE, reduced or absent patellar reflex, and impaired sensation over the anterior and medial thigh.] |
Femur Head Necrosis | D005271 | [Aseptic or avascular necrosis of the femoral head. The major types are idiopathic (primary), as a complication of fractures or dislocations, and LEGG-CALVE-PERTHES DISEASE.] |
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders | D063647 | [An umbrella term used to describe a pattern of disabilities and abnormalities that result from fetal exposure to ETHANOL during pregnancy. It encompasses a phenotypic range that can vary greatly between individuals, but reliably includes one or more of the following: characteristic facial dysmorphism, FETAL GROWTH RETARDATION, central nervous system abnormalities, cognitive and/or behavioral dysfunction, BIRTH DEFECTS. The level of maternal alcohol consumption does not necessarily correlate directly with disease severity., A condition occurring in FETUS or NEWBORN due to in utero ETHANOL exposure when mother consumed alcohol during pregnancy. It is characterized by a cluster of irreversible BIRTH DEFECTS including abnormalities in physical, mental, and behavior development (such as FETAL GROWTH RETARDATION; MENTAL RETARDATION; ATTENTION DEFICIT AND DISRUPTIVE BEHAVIOR DISORDERS) with varied degree of severity in an individual.] |
Fetal Death | D005313 | [Drying and shriveling of the fetus that sometimes occurs after the resorption of fluid following fetal death in veterinary animals., Death of the developing young in utero. BIRTH of a dead FETUS is STILLBIRTH.] |
Fetal Diseases | D005315 | [Pathophysiological conditions of the FETUS in the UTERUS. Some fetal diseases may be treated with FETAL THERAPIES.] |
Fetal Distress | D005316 | [A nonreassuring fetal status (NRFS) indicating that the FETUS is compromised (American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists 1988). It can be identified by sub-optimal values in FETAL HEART RATE; oxygenation of FETAL BLOOD; and other parameters.] |
Fetal Growth Retardation | D005317 | [Failure of a FETUS to attain expected GROWTH.] |
Fetal Hypoxia | D005311 | [Deficient oxygenation of FETAL BLOOD.] |