All individuals in ONE
Label | Id | Description |
pN0 (lung) | OBI_0002280 | [A pathologic lymph node stage for lung according to AJCC 7th edition indicating no regional lymph node metastasis.] |
pN0 (ovary) | OBI_0002288 | [A pathologic lymph node stage for ovary according to AJCC 7th edition indicating that there is no regional lymph node metastasis.] |
pN1 (colon) | OBI_0002272 | [A pathologic lymph node stage for colon and rectum according to AJCC 7th edition indicating metastasis in 1-3 regional lymph nodes.] |
pN1 (kidney) | OBI_0002286 | [A pathologic lymph node stage for kidney according to AJCC 7th edition indicating that there is regional lymph node metastasis.] |
pN1 (lung) | OBI_0002281 | [A pathologic lymph node stage for lung according to AJCC 7th edition indicating metastasis in ipsilateral peribronchial and/or ipsilateral hilar lymph nodes and intrapulmonary nodes, including involvement by direct extension.] |
pN1 (ovary) | OBI_0002289 | [A pathologic lymph node stage for ovary according to AJCC 7th edition indicating that there is regional lymph node metastasis.] |
pN1a (colon) | OBI_0002273 | [A pathologic lymph node stage for colon and rectum according to AJCC 7th edition indicating metastasis in 1 regional lymph node.] |
pN1b (colon) | OBI_0002274 | [A pathologic lymph node stage for colon and rectum according to AJCC 7th edition indicating metastasis in 2-3 regional lymph nodes.] |
pN1c (colon) | OBI_0002275 | [A pathologic lymph node stage for colon and rectum according to AJCC 7th edition indicating tumor deposit(s), i.e., satellites in the subserosa, or in non-peritonealized pericolic or perirectal soft tissue without regional lymph node metastasis.] |
pN2 (colon) | OBI_0002276 | [A pathologic lymph node stage for colon and rectum according to AJCC 7th edition indicating metastasis in 4 or more regional lymph nodes.] |
pN2 (lung) | OBI_0002282 | [A pathologic lymph node stage for lung according to AJCC 7th edition indicating metastasis in ipsilateral mediastinal and/or subcarinal lymph node(s).] |
pN2a (colon) | OBI_0002277 | [A pathologic lymph node stage for colon and rectum according to AJCC 7th edition indicating metastasis in 4 to 6 regional lymph nodes.] |
pN2b (colon) | OBI_0002278 | [A pathologic lymph node stage for colon and rectum according to AJCC 7th edition indicating metastasis in 7 or more regional lymph nodes.] |
pN3 (lung) | OBI_0002283 | [A pathologic lymph node stage for lung according to AJCC 7th edition indicating metastasis in contralateral mediastinal, contralateral hilar, ipsilateral or contralateral scalene, or supraclavicular lymph node(s).] |
pT0 (colon) | OBI_0002225 | [A pathologic primary tumor stage for colon and rectum according to AJCC 7th edition indicating that there is no evidence of primary tumor.] |
pT0 (kidney) | OBI_0002244 | [A pathologic primary tumor stage for kidney according to AJCC 7th edition indicating that there is no evidence of primary tumor.] |
pT0 (lung) | OBI_0002233 | [A pathologic primary tumor stage for lung according to AJCC 7th edition indicating that there is no evidence of primary tumor.] |
pT0 (ovary) | OBI_0002257 | [A pathologic primary tumor stage for ovary according to AJCC 7th edition indicating that there is no evidence of primary tumor.] |
pT1 (colon) | OBI_0002227 | [A pathologic primary tumor stage for colon and rectum according to AJCC 7th edition indicating that the tumor invades submucosa.] |
pT1 (kidney) | OBI_0002245 | [A pathologic primary tumor stage for kidney according to AJCC 7th edition indicating that the tumor is 7 cm or less in greatest dimension and limited to the kidney.] |