Terminology Service for NFDI4Health

scalar measurement datum

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A scalar measurement datum is a measurement datum that is composed of two parts, numerals and a unit label.

Term info


scalar measurement datum

editor note

Would write this as: has_part some 'measurement unit label' and has_part some numeral and has_part exactly 2, except for the fact that this won't let us take advantage of OWL reasoning over the numbers. Instead use has measurment value property to represent the same. Use has measurement unit label (subproperty of has_part) so we can easily say that there is only one of them., 2009-03-16: we decided to keep datum singular in scalar measurement datum, as in this case we explicitly refer to the singular form

example of usage

10 feet. 3 ml.

has curation status


term editor

PERSON: Melanie Courtot, PERSON: Alan Ruttenberg