Terminology Service for NFDI4Health

transcription profiling assay

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An assay that determines gene expression and transcription activity using ribonucleic acids collected from a material entity.

Term info


transcription profiling assay

alternative term

transcription profiling, gene expression profiling

editor note

This term should encompass transcription and post-transcription, but before translation into protein. So 'gene expression' itself is too broad, and we use 'transcription profiling identification objective' to constrain the scope of this term.

editor preferred term

transcription profiling assay

example of usage

Whole genome transcription profiling of Anaplasma phagocytophilum in human and tick host cells by tiling array analysis. BMC Genomics. 2008 Jul 31;9:364. PMID: 18671858

has curation status


term editor

Philippe Rocca-Serra