Terminology Service for NFDI4Health

DNA methylation profiling assay

Go to external page http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/OBI_0000634

An assay that measures the state of methylation of DNA molecules using genomic DNA collected from a material entity using a range of techniques and instrument such as DNA sequencers and often relying on treatment with bisulfites to ensure cytosine conversion.

Term info


DNA methylation profiling assay

alternative term

DNA methylation profiling

definition source

OBI branch derived

editor preferred term

DNA methylation profiling assay

example of usage

Genome-wide, high-resolution DNA methylation profiling using bisulfite-mediated cytosine conversion. Reinders J, Delucinge Vivier C, Theiler G, Chollet D, Descombes P, Paszkowski J._PMID:18218979

has curation status


term editor

Philippe Rocca-Serra