tritiated thymidine incorporation assay
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A cell proliferation assay in which cells are cultured in the presence of tritiated thymidine which is incorporated into newly synthesized DNA of replicating cells (during the S phase of the cell cycle). The radioactivity of tritiated thymidine in a cell is a proxy for cells that were actively replicating.
Term info
tritiated thymidine incorporation assay
definition source
editor preferred term
tritiated thymidine incorporation assay
example of usage
The measurement of T cell proliferation as a response to a viral peptide by culturing T cells stimulated with APCs and peptide in the presence of tritiated thymidine, and using a scintillation counter to detect the radioactivity.
has curation status
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Term relations
Subclass of:
- cell proliferation assay
- has part some radioactivity detection
- realizes some (
molecular label role and
inheres in some tritiated thymidine) and has_specified_input some tritiated thymidine