glucose tolerance test
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An assay that measures glucose clearance from blood over time by repeated glucose measurement in blood serum or plasma after the administration of a glucose bolus in-vivo. This assay can be used to evaluate the severity of insulin resistance or the efficiency of glucose clearance.
Term info
glucose tolerance test
definition source
NuGO OBI plan branch
editor preferred term
glucose tolerance test
example of usage
PMID: 19527607
has curation status
term editor
Philippe Rocca-Serra
Term relations
Subclass of:
- assay
- realizes some (
evaluant role and
role of some blood serum specimen) and has_specified_input some (
blood serum specimen and
has role some evaluant role) - achieves_planned_objective some biological feature identification objective
- has part some administering substance in vivo
- has_specified_output some (is about some Insulin resistance)
- has part some measuring glucose concentration in blood serum assay