Terminology Service for NFDI4Health

electrophoretic mobility shift assay

Go to external page http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/OBI_0001671

An assay that measures information about Protein-DNA or Protein-RNA interactions using gel electrophoresis and relying on the fact the molecular interactions will cause the heterodimer to be retarded on the gel when compared to controls corresponding to protein extract alone and protein extract + neutral nucleic acid.

Term info


electrophoretic mobility shift assay

alternative term

band shift assay, gel mobility shift assay, gel shift assay, gel retardation assay, EMSA

definition source


editor preferred term

electrophoretic mobility shift assay

example of usage

Electrophoretic mobility shift assay reveals a novel recognition sequence for Setaria italica NAC protein. PMID:21918373

has curation status


term editor

Marcus Chibucos, Philippe Rocca-Serra