Terminology Service for NFDI4Health

yeast 2-hybrid assay

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An assay that detects protein protein interactions and protein DNA interactions by testing for physical interactions (such as binding) between two proteins or a single protein and a DNA molecule, respectively. The premise behind the test is the activation of downstream reporter gene(s) by the binding of a transcription factor onto an upstream activating sequence (UAS). For two-hybrid screening, the transcription factor is split into two separate fragments, called the binding domain (BD) and activating domain (AD). The BD is the domain responsible for binding to the UAS and the AD is the domain responsible for the activation of transcription. The Y2H is thus a protein-fragment complementation assay.

Term info


yeast 2-hybrid assay

definition source


editor preferred term

yeast 2-hybrid assay

example of usage

Strong FANCA/FANCG but weak FANCA/FANCC interaction in the yeast 2-hybrid system. PMID:10627486

has curation status


term editor

Marcus Chibucos, Philippe Rocca-Serra