Terminology Service for NFDI4Health

bacterial one-hybrid assay

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An assay that identifies the sequence-specific target site of a DNA-binding domain. In this system, a given transcription factor (TF) is expressed as a fusion to a subunit of RNA polymerase. In parallel, a library of randomized oligonucleotides representing potential TF target sequences, is cloned into a separate vector containing the selectable genes HIS3 and URA3. If the DNA-binding domain (bait) binds a potential DNA target site (prey) in vivo, it will recruit RNA polymerase to the promoter and activate transcription of the reporter genes in that clone. The two reporter genes, HIS3 and URA3, allow for positive and negative selections, respectively. At the end of the process, positive clones are sequenced and examined with motif-finding tools in order to resolve the favoured DNA target sequence

Term info


bacterial one-hybrid assay

definition source


editor preferred term

bacterial one-hybrid assay

example of usage

A systematic characterization of factors that regulate Drosophila segmentation via a bacterial one-hybrid system. PMID:18332042

has curation status


term editor

Marcus Chibucos, Philippe Rocca-Serra