shotgun bisulfite-seq assay
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A bisulfite sequencing assay that identifies methylated cytosines across the genome using high throughput sequencing.
Term info
shotgun bisulfite-seq assay
alternative term
whole genome bisulfite sequencing, WGBS, WGSBS, whole-genome shotgun bisulfite sequencing, Shotgun bisulfite sequencing
definition source
editor preferred term
shotgun bisulfite-seq assay
example of usage
Cokus et al. Shotgun bisulfite sequencing of the Arabidopsis genome reveals DNA methylation patterning. Nature. 2008 Mar 13;452(7184):215-9. [PMID:18278030].
has curation status
term editor
Venkat Malladi, Chris Stoeckert, Jie Zheng
Term relations
Subclass of:
- bisulfite sequencing assay
- has part some library preparation
- realizes some (
function and
inheres in some sonicator) and has_specified_input some sonicator