Anatomic location directly invaded by neoplasm (observable entity)
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Term info
Anatomic location directly invaded by neoplasm (observable entity)
- Anatomic location directly invaded by neoplasm
- Site involved by direct extension of tumor
- Site involved by direct extension of tumour
- Tissue structure invaded by direct extension of neoplasm
Term relations
Equivalent to:
- Observable entity (observable entity) and Role group (attribute) some (Property (attribute) some Anatomic location (property) (qualifier value)) and Role group (attribute) some (Scale type (attribute) some Nominal value (qualifier value)) and Role group (attribute) some (Time aspect (attribute) some Single point in time (qualifier value)) and Role group (attribute) some (Inheres in (attribute) some Neoplasm (morphologic abnormality)) and Role group (attribute) some (Characterizes (attribute) some Direct local invasion (qualifier value))