Percutaneous transhepatic transplantation of pancreatic islet cell using fluoroscopic guidance (procedure)
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Term info
Percutaneous transhepatic transplantation of pancreatic islet cell using fluoroscopic guidance (procedure)
- Percutaneous transhepatic transplantation of pancreatic islet cell using fluoroscopic guidance
Term relations
Subclass of:
- Operation on pancreas (procedure)
- Fluoroscopy of abdomen (procedure)
- Transplantation of retroperitoneal tissue (procedure)
- Islet cell transplant (procedure)
- Evaluation of endocrine system (procedure)
- Radiography of retroperitoneum (procedure)
- Digestive system fluoroscopy (procedure)
- Insertion using fluoroscopic guidance (procedure)
- Fluoroscopic guidance (procedure) and Islet cell transplant (procedure) and Role group (attribute) some (
Access (attribute) some Percutaneous approach - access (qualifier value) and
Method (attribute) some Surgical transplantation - action (qualifier value) and
Procedure site - Direct (attribute) some Endocrine pancreatic structure (body structure)) and Role group (attribute) some (
Method (attribute) some Fluoroscopic imaging - action (qualifier value) and
Has intent (attribute) some Guidance intent (qualifier value) and
Procedure site - Direct (attribute) some Pancreatic structure (body structure))