Terminology Service for NFDI4Health

Structure of abdominopelvic cavity and/or intra-abdominopelvic content and/or anterior abdominal wall excluding intra-pelvic structure of true pelvis (body structure)

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This is a clinical variant of 'abdomen' and relates to the 'abdomen proper' cavity which is defined as the abdominopelvic cavity and content, excluding the cavity and content of the true pelvis, plus the anterior and lateral abdominal wall (but excluding the posterior wall of the abdomen proper). This space and content is bounded by, but excludes: superiorly the thoracic diaphragm; inferiorly the superior pelvic aperture; and posteriorly the posterior wall of abdomen proper. Anteriorly this volume is bounded and includes the anterior abdominal (including the lateral abdominal wall).

Term info


Structure of abdominopelvic cavity and/or intra-abdominopelvic content and/or anterior abdominal wall excluding intra-pelvic structure of true pelvis (body structure)

  • Abdomen proper
  • Structure of abdominopelvic cavity and/or intra-abdominopelvic content and/or anterior abdominal wall excluding intra-pelvic structure of true pelvis
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