All properties in UBERON
Label | Id | Description |
count | count | |
created_by | created_by | |
creation_date | creation_date | |
creator | creator | |
cumbo | cumbo | |
curator notes | IAO_0000232 | |
cyclostome_subset | cyclostome_subset | |
database_cross_reference | hasDbXref | |
date | date | |
date_retrieved | date_retrieved | |
deep_to | BSPO_0000107 | [Further away from the surface of the organism. Thus, the muscular layer is deep to the skin, but superficial to the intestines.] |
default-namespace | default-namespace | |
defined_by_cytoarchitecture | defined_by_cytoarchitecture | |
defined_by_ordinal_series | defined_by_ordinal_series | |
definition | IAO_0000115 | |
dental formula | UBPROP_0000113 | [Syntax: upper/lower = I.C.P.M / I.C.P.M. When used with generic tooth class applies to both deciduous and primary. Should also be used with a taxon property.] |
depicted by | depicted_by | |
deprecated | deprecated | |
derived from resource | source | |
description | description |