adductor longus
An adductor muscle that attaches to the hip and femur. In humans, it is a part of the adductor group of the thigh, that as the name suggests adducts the thigh. The adductor longus muscle forms the medial wall of the femoral triangle[WP, generalized]. [ ]
Term info
adductor longus
- adductor longus muscle
Originates on the iliac portion of the ventral iliac rim and inserts on the lateral surface of the M. adductor magnus.[AAO]
definition generalized to accommodate AAO class - 'Originates on the iliac portion of the ventral iliac rim and inserts on the lateral surface of the M. adductor magnus.' [AAO:0010034]
musculus adductor longus, long adductor muscle
Term relations
- adductor muscle of hip
- hindlimb stylopod muscle
- has_muscle_origin some pubis
- has_muscle_insertion some femur