A subdivision of the head that has as parts the layers deep to the surface of the anterior surface, including the mouth, eyes, and nose (when present). In vertebrates, this includes the facial skeleton and structures superficial to the facial skeleton (cheeks, mouth, eyeballs, skin of face, etc). [ http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 ]
Term info
uberon_slim, pheno_slim
The face develops from outward growth of tissue located rostral to the cranium & pharynx. The lower jaw and most of the upper jaw are formed by growth of the first pharyngeal (branchial) arch. The upper incisor region and the nose and forehead (frontal region) are formed from tissue located rostral to the neural tube (frontonasal prominence)
Subdivision of head which consists of the viscerocranium and all layers superficial to it. Examples: There is only one face., The area that extends from the median ocellus to the oral foramen[HAO].
visage, facia/facies
Term relations
- feathered facial disc
- left part of face
- temporalis fascia
- facial skeleton
- anatomical line between inner canthi
- facial vein
- facial lymphatic vessel
- anatomical line between pupils
- collection of hair on face
- strand of hair of face
- forehead
- chin
- facial mesenchyme
- musculature of face
- anatomical line between outer canthi
- midface
- orbital region
- periorbital region
- nose
- facial lymph node
- skin of face
- right part of face