Terminology Service for NFDI4Health

median raphe nucleus

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The median raphe nucleus (or superior central nucleus) is composed of polygonal, fusiform and pyriform neurons and exists rostral to the nucleus raphe pontis. One trait of the MRN is its inhibition by lysergic acid diethylamide and psilocin, two serotonin antagonist hallucinogens. The inactivation of the nucleus centralis superior via LSD produces a dose dependent inactivation in the MRN, but not in the raphe pallidus[WP,unvetted]. [ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median_raphe_nucleus https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=440764&aid=3248146&group_id=36855 ]

Term info


median raphe nucleus

  • MRN
  • cell group b8
  • medial raphe nucleus
  • median nucleus of the raphe
  • nucleus raphes medianus
  • superior central nucleus
  • superior central nucleus raphe
  • superior central tegmental nucleus
database cross reference


latin term
nucleus raphes medianus [ FMA : 72465 FMA : TA ]

editor note

TODO - The term medial raphe nucleus refers to a composite structure that consists of the superior central nucleus and the inferior central nucleus of the pontine reticular formation ( Carpenter-1983 )

has related synonym

nucleus centralis superior

