coracoid bone
Endochondral bone that is paired and forms part of the socket for the humerus in tetrapods and acts as base of the pectoral fin in fish. [ ]
Term info
coracoid bone
- coracocïde@fr
- coracoid
- coracoids
- hypocoracocïde@fr
relationship loss: part_of zonal element (AAO:0000936)[AAO]
check developmental relationships.
The coracoid is a triangular shaped-bone that usually has an anteriorly directed long process that may joins its counterpart in some fish groups. It may be perforated by the coracoid foramen or it may be notched dorsally and forms the scapulo-coracoid foramen together with a similar notch of the ventral margin of the scapula.[TAO]
Paired cartilaginous structures or endochondral bones located on the posterolateral portions of the zonal area of the pectoral girdle.[AAO], Endochondral bone that articulates dorsally with the scapula and with the mesocoracoid when the latter is present, posteriorly with the lower two or three proximal radials and antero-ventrally with the cleithrum. The coracoid develops from the scapulo-coracoid cartilage. The coracoid is paired.[TAO]
pars sternalis scapulae, coracoideum, clavicula, clavicula vera, clavicula posterior, coracoidien, metacoracoid
In Theria, coracoid bones non-existent or fused with the shoulder blades to form coracoid processes[WP]. Procoracoid+coracoid are homologuous with coracoid of teleostomi. The coracoid is a triangular shaped-bone that usually has an anteriorly directed long process that may joins its counterpart in some fish groups. It may be perforated by the coracoid foramen or it may be notched dorsally and forms the scapulo-coracoid foramen together with a similar notch of the ventral margin of the scapula
see discussion in Kardong - suggests using procoracoid (anterior coracoid) for the element in birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish, and reserving coracoid for the new synapsid/therian structure.