Terminology Service for NFDI4Health

ethmoidal process of inferior nasal concha

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Behind the lacrimal process of the inferior nasal conchae lies a broad, thin plate, the ethmoidal process, which ascends to join the uncinate process of the ethmoid; from its lower border a thin lamina, the maxillary process, curves downward and lateralward; it articulates with the maxilla and forms a part of the medial wall of the maxillary sinus. [ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethmoid_boneal_process_of_inferior_nasal_concha ]

Term info


ethmoidal process of inferior nasal concha

  • ethmoidal process of inferior concha
  • ethmoidal process of inferior nasal turbinate
  • ethmoidal process of inferior turbinate
  • processus ethmoidalis (concha nasalis inferior)
  • processus ethmoidalis conchae nasalis inferioris
database cross reference
latin term
processus ethmoidalis conchae nasalis inferioris [ FMA : TA FMA : 54742 ]

latin term
processus ethmoidalis conchae nasalis inferioris [ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethmoidal_process_of_inferior_nasal_concha ]

has related synonym

ethmoturbinal, processus ethmoidalis conchae nasalis inferioris



taxon notes

In many carnivores and ungulates, the ethmoturbinals are most complex within a posterosuperior cul-de-sac, the olfactory recess[PMID:25312359]