Terminology Service for NFDI4Health

murine forestomach

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A distinct rodent non-glandular region of the stomach which is demarcated from the glandular stomach by the limiting ridge (margo plicatus). [ http://www.informatics.jax.org/accession/anna ]

Term info


murine forestomach

database cross reference


editor note

consider merging with stomach non-glandular region

external definition

Non-glandular portion of the stomach of some mammals that is connected to the esophagus. It is utilized as a holding chamber during digestion for un-digested and partially digested food., The mouse stomach contains two well-defined areas, a (nonglandular) forestomach and a glandular stomach, which are separated by the limiting ridge (margo plicatus)[http://ctrgenpath.net/static/atlas/mousehistology/Windows/digestive/forestomach.html].

has broad synonym

forestomach, stomach non-glandular region

has related synonym

anterior stomach, antrum cardiacum, proximal stomach



taxon notes

This class is based on the murine structure. Other groups, such as cetaceans, also have a forestomach (which is essentially an enlargement of the esophagus), the forestomach accounts for about 60% (rat) and 70% (mouse) of the stomach volume and receives the esophagus at the cardiac antrum; the wall of the forestomach consists of, from inside to outside, stratified squamous epithelium, the lamina propria (epithelium and lamina propria form the mucosa), the muscularis mucosae, the submucosa, the muscularis interna and externa (inner circular and outer longitudinal layers of smooth muscle), and the serosa