hyomandibular element
The upper paired deep bone or cartilage of the hyoid region, sometimes taking part in jaw suspension and which supports the opercle. Dorsally it articulates with the otic capsule at the hyomandibular fossa, ventrally with the quadrate and symplectic. In most Teleostei it has a foramen for the hyomandibular branch of the facial nerve (VII). [ http://en.academic.ru/dic.nsf/en_ichthyology/8715/hyomandibula ]
Term info
hyomandibular element
- hyomandibula - stapes
- hyomandibula element
relationship loss: overlaps preopercle vertical limb-hyomandibula joint (TAO:0005278)[TAO], relationship loss: overlaps hyomandibula-metapterygoid joint (TAO:0001979)[TAO], relationship loss: overlaps hyomandibula-opercle joint (TAO:0005265)[TAO], relationship loss: overlaps hyomandibular-otic region joint (TAO:0001947)[TAO], relationship loss: overlaps quadrate-hyomandibula joint (TAO:0001801)[TAO]
In most teleosts, there is a symplectic, and the hyomandibula articulates with it anteroventrally.[TAO]
Replacement bone that is bilaterally paired and articulates with the neurocranium dorsally and the opercle posteriorly.[TAO]
hyomandibula, epihyal
This structure (the hyomandibular), on ontogenic grounds alone, can be considered homologous with the amphibian and reptilian columella and the mammalian stapes.[well established][VHOG]
Term relations
- endochondral element
- structure with developmental contribution from neural crest
- part of some dorsal hyoid arch skeleton