epibranchial arborescent organ
Anatomical cluster that is an outgrowth of the soft tissue around the dorsolateral corner of a branchial arch that is internally supported by a core of rigid cartilage-like tissue. Epibranchial arborescent organ is paired. [ ]
Term info
epibranchial arborescent organ
- suprabranchial organ
Greenwood, P. H. 1961 (A revision of the genus Dinotopterus Blgr. (pisces, Clariidae) with notes on the comparative anatomy of the suprabranchial organs in the Clariidae. Bull. British Mus (Nat. His.), Zool. 7(4): 217-241.) described this structure in certain catfishes and applied the term suprabranchial organ to it. To avoid possible confusion with distinctly different structures bearing the name suprabranchial organs in other teleosts, the term epibranchial arborescent organ is used here following the lead of de Pinna 1993.
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