All properties in AFEO
Label | Id | Description |
end date | endDate | |
equal | equal | |
finished by | finishedBy | |
finishes | finishes | |
first name | firstName | |
harvests | harvests | |
has Date-Time description | hasDateTimeDescription | [Value of DateTimeInterval expressed as a structured value. The beginning and end of the interval coincide with the limits of the shortest element in the description., Valor de intervalo de fecha-hora expresado como un valor estructurado. El principio y el final del intervalo coincide con los límites del elemento más corto en la descripción.] |
has Person | hasPerson | |
has XSD date-time | xsdDateTime | |
has XSD duration | hasXSDDuration | [Extensión de una entidad temporal, expresada utilizando xsd:duration., Extent of a temporal entity, expressed using xsd:duration] |
has attribute | hasAttribute | |
has beginning | hasBeginning | [Comienzo de una entidad temporal., Beginning of a temporal entity.] |
has duration | hasDuration | [Duration of a temporal entity, event or activity, or thing, expressed as a scaled value, Duración de una entidad temporal, evento o actividad, o cosa, expresada como un valor escalado.] |
has duration description | hasDurationDescription | [Duration of a temporal entity, expressed using a structured description, Duración de una entidad temporal, expresada utilizando una descripción estructurada.] |
has end | hasEnd | [End of a temporal entity., Final de una entidad temporal.] |
has input | hasInput | |
has input directly | hasInput_directly | |
has location | hasLocation | [semantic relation between AgriExperiment and CultivationArea] |
has method | hasMethod | |
has observation method | hasObservationMethod |