All properties in AFEO
Label | Id | Description |
has observation result | hasObservationResult | |
has observed attribute | hasObservedAttribute | |
has observed object | hasObservedObject | |
has organization | hasOrganization | |
has output | hasOutput | |
has output directly | hasOutput_directly | |
has part | hasPart | |
has part directly | hasPart_directly | |
has plant | hasPlant | |
has reference value | hasReferenceValue | |
has species | hasSpecies | |
has temporal duration | hasTemporalDuration | [Duración de una entidad temporal., Duration of a temporal entity.] |
has time | hasTime | [Proporciona soporte a la asociación de una entidad temporal (instante o intervalo) a cualquier cosa., Supports the association of a temporal entity (instant or interval) to any thing] |
has time instant inside | inside | [Un instante que cae dentro del intervalo. Se asume que no es ni el principio ni el final de ningún intervalo., An instant that falls inside the interval. It is not intended to include beginnings and ends of intervals.] |
has time value | hasTimeValue | |
has unit | hasUnit | |
has value | hasValue | |
has variety | hasVariety | |
hasVersion | hasVersion | |
historyNote | historyNote |