All terms in ATOL
Label | Id | Description |
digestive tract weight | ATOL_0005122 | [any measurable or observable characteristics related to the weight of the tube like cavity that begins by the mouth and finishes by the anus] |
adipose tissue vitamin content | ATOL_0000078 | [any measure of the adipose tissue vitamin (CHEBI:33229) content, toute mesure de la teneur en vitamines (CHEBI:33229) du tissu adipeux] |
adipose tissue minerals and ash content | ATOL_0000079 | [toute mesure de la teneur en minéraux et en cendres du tissu adipeux, any measure of the mineral and ash content of adipose tissue] |
full digestive tract weight | ATOL_0002256 | [the weight of the digestive tract] |
fatty liver flouriness | ATOL_0002244 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the subjective flour sensation of fatty liver during mastication as assessed by a trained sensory or consumer panel] |
physico-chemical traits of meat | ATOL_0000065 | [toute mesure associée aux caractéristiques physiques ou chimiques de la viande, any measure related to both the physical and chemical characteristics of meat] |
technological and organoleptic quality of meat | ATOL_0000063 | [any measure related to the ability of meat to reach technological and organoleptic standards, toute mesure associée à la capacité de la viande d'atteindre des standards technologiques et organoleptiques] |
meat conductivity | ATOL_0000066 | [toute caractéristique mesurable associée à la capacité de la viande de conduire un courant électrique, any measurable characteristic related to the ability of meat to conduct electrical current] |
fatty liver mechanical resistance | ATOL_0002243 | [any measurable characteristic of the mechanical resistance of the fatty liver during a deformation test (compression, shearing, extension, ...)] |
feces mineral matter content | ATOL_0001396 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the concentration of inorganic substance in feces] |
feces dry matter content | ATOL_0001395 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the concentration of all components minus water in feces] |
fatty liver fibrousness | ATOL_0002242 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the subjective perception of fibers during mastication of fatty liver as assessed by a trained sensory or consumer panel] |
feces chemical composition | ATOL_0000493 | [any observable or measurable characteristic related to the proportion of chemical components in feces] |
meat aspect | ATOL_0000064 | [toute mesure objective ou subjective des aspects externes d'un morceau de viande, any objective or subjective measure of the external aspects of a piece of meat] |
fatty liver firmness | ATOL_0002241 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the mechanical textural attribute relating to the force required to achieve a given deformation or penetration of fatty liver. A firm fatty liver require a high force. ] |
feces water content | ATOL_0001394 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the concentration of water (CHEBI:15377) in feces] |
fatty liver tenderness | ATOL_0002240 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the mechanical textural attribute relating to the force required to achieve a given deformation or penetration of fatty liver. A firm fatty liver require a low force. ] |
meat minor constituent content | ATOL_0000061 | [toute mesure des différents composants de la viande, à l'exception des protéines, des lipides et des glucides, any measure of the different meat components other than proteins, lipids and carbohydrates] |
vitamin content of meat | ATOL_0000062 | [toute mesure de la quantité des différentes vitamines (CHEBI:33229) dans la viande, any measure of the quantity of the different vitamins (CHEBI:33229) in meat] |
digestive carbon dioxide production | ATOL_0001392 | [quantities of CO2 (CHEBI:16526) produced by organic matter fermentation during digestion] |