All terms in ATOL
Label | Id | Description |
digestive gaz production | ATOL_0001390 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the quantities of gaz produced during digestion ] |
digestive methane production | ATOL_0001391 | [quantities of methane (CHEBI:16183) produced by organic matter fermentation during digestion] |
meat carbohydrate trait | ATOL_0000060 | [toute mesure associée aux hydrates de carbone (CHEBI:16646) dans la viande, any measure related to the meat carbohydrate (CHEBI:16646) component] |
mullerian duct regression °°° | ATOL_0002249 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the regression of the mullerian duct in the male fetus] |
fetal male genital tract development | ATOL_0000995 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the morphology or physiology of the male reproductive system during its formation and development] |
primordial follicle formation | ATOL_0002248 | [characteristic related to the process of primordial follicle formation which establish the reserve of the female germ cells] |
ovary fetal development | ATOL_0000476 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the onset of development of the female fetal reproductive gland after sexual differentiation ] |
adipose tissue trait | ATOL_0000122 | [any objective or subjective characteristics of the whole adipose tissue (not intramuscular)] |
male germ cell number | ATOL_0002247 | [any characteristic related to the number of cells in the testis] |
testicular cell number | ATOL_0000396 | [any measurable characteristic related to the number of cells in the testicles] |
feces phosphorus content | ATOL_0001399 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the concentration of phosphorus (CHEBI:28659) in feces] |
fetal female genital tract development | ATOL_0002246 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the morphology or physiology of the female reproductive system during its formation and development] |
meat temperature | ATOL_0000067 | [temperature of meat measured at different post-mortem times, température de la viande mesurée à différents moments post-mortem] |
thawing loss of meat | ATOL_0000068 | [any measurable characteristic related to the loss of fluid in a meat sample after a freezing-thawing cycle, toute caractéristique mesurable associée à la perte de liquide dans un échantillon de viande après un cycle de congélation/décongélation] |
meat water holding capacity | ATOL_0001671 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the ability of meat to retain water during cutting, heating, grinding, pressing, and storage, toute caractéristique mesurable ou observable associée à la capacité de la viande de retenir l'eau qu'elle contient pendant sa découpe, sa cuisson, son hachage, sa pression et son stockage] |
feces calcium content | ATOL_0001398 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the concentration of calcium (CHEBI:22984) in feces] |
fatty liver odour | ATOL_0002245 | [any measurable characteristics related to the distinctive smell of fatty liver] |
egg vitelline membrane defensive protein | ATOL_0002299 | [toute caractéristique mesurable ou observable associée aux protéines défensines des membranes vitellines, any measurable or observable characteristic related to the defensin protein in the vitelline membranes] |
egg vitelline membrane protein composition | ATOL_0002001 | [toute caractéristique mesurable ou observable associée aux protéines constitutives de la membrane vitelline, any measurable or observable characteristic related to the constitutive proteins of the vitelline membrane] |
egg transparency | ATOL_0002298 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to egg transparency, toute caractéristique mesurable ou observable associée à la transparence de l'oeuf] |