All terms in ATOL
Label | Id | Description |
eggshell aspect trait | ATOL_0001894 | [toute caractéristique mesurable ou observable associée aux anomalies de la coquille, par exemple les oeufs préfêlés in vivo, à fenêtre translucide, auréolés, mauves, roses ou tachetés de calcium, à la coquille ondulée ou fripée, molle ou absente, any measurable or observable characteristic related to eggshell abnormalities, for instance body-checked eggs, slab sided and white banded or target eggs, wrinkled or corrugated eggs, soft shelled or shell-less eggs, lilac, pink and calcium-splashed egg] |
stomach muscle thickness | ATOL_0000562 | [the thickness of the muscle of the stomach] |
stomach epithelium thickness | ATOL_0000563 | [the thickness of the epithelium of the stomach] |
egg morphological production trait | ATOL_0001873 | [toute caractéristique mesurable associée aux caractéristiques morphologiques de l'oeuf, any measurable characteristic related to egg morphological characteristics] |
eggshell weight | ATOL_0001881 | [toute caractéristique mesurable ou observable associée à la quantité de matière issue de la coquille rincée et séchée, any measurable or observable characteristic related to the amount of matter in the rinsed and dried eggshell] |
egg weight | ATOL_0001880 | [toute caractéristique mesurable ou observable associée au poids de l'oeuf, any measurable or observable characteristic related to the weight of the egg] |
milk protein yield | ATOL_0000550 | [any measurable characteristic related to the total amount of milk protein (CHEBI:36080) produced] |
milk nitrogen trait | ATOL_0001565 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the nitrogen (CHEBI:25555) in milk] |
feces zinc content | ATOL_0001407 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the concentration of zinc (CHEBI:27363) in feces] |
feces iodine content | ATOL_0001406 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the concentration of iodine (CHEBI:24859) in feces] |
feces manganese content | ATOL_0001405 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the concentration of manganese (CHEBI:18291) in feces] |
pancreas weight | ATOL_0000557 | [the weight of the pancreas] |
pancreas morphology | ATOL_0000397 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the shape, structure or color of the organ that secretes pancreatic juice in the intestine and secretes glucagon and insulin into the bloodstream] |
intestine length | ATOL_0000558 | [any measurable characteristic related to the length of the intestine] |
feces cobalt content | ATOL_0001404 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the concentration of cobalt (CHEBI:27638) in feces] |
eggshell yellowness | ATOL_0001888 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the chromatic component of egg shell colour from blue to yellow, toute caractéristique mesurable ou observable associée à la composante chromatique de la couleur de la coquille d'oeuf, allant du bleu au jaune] |
eggshell colour trait | ATOL_0001885 | [toute caractéristique mesurable ou observable associée à des mesures objectives de la couleur de la coquille d'un oeuf, any measurable or observable characteristic related to objective measurements of egg shell colour] |
feces copper content | ATOL_0001403 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the concentration of copper (CHEBI:28694) in feces ] |
eggshell reflectivity | ATOL_0001887 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the luminance or lightness of egg shell colour, toute caractéristique mesurable ou observable associée à la luminance ou à la luminosité de la couleur de la coquille d'oeuf] |
gizzard volume | ATOL_0000555 | [the three-dimensional space occupied by the gizzard] |