All terms in ATOL
Label | Id | Description |
gizzard morphology | ATOL_0001683 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the shape, structure or color of the secondary, muscular stomach in birds used for grinding up food] |
gizzard muscle thickness | ATOL_0000556 | [any measurable characteristic related to the thickness of gizzard muscle] |
feces iron content | ATOL_0001402 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the concentration of iron (CHEBI:18248) in feces] |
eggshell redness | ATOL_0001886 | [toute caractéristique mesurable ou observable associée à la composante chromatique de la couleur de la coquille d'oeuf, allant du vert au rouge, any measurable or observable characteristic related to the chromatic component of egg shell colour, from green to red] |
egg colour trait | ATOL_0002071 | [toute caractéristique mesurable ou observable associée à la couleur de l'oeuf, any measurable or observable characteristic related to the colour of egg] |
oesophagus length | ATOL_0000553 | [the length of the oesophagus] |
oesophagus morphology | ATOL_0001062 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the shape, structure or color of the part of the digestive canal from the pharynx to the entry of the stomach] |
feces carbonate content | ATOL_0001400 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the concentration of salts of carbonic acid (CHEBI:28976) in feces] |
egg yolk weight | ATOL_0001883 | [toute caractéristique mesurable ou observable associée à la quantité de matière issue du jaune d'un oeuf, any measurable or observable characteristic related to the amount of matter in the yolk of an egg] |
subcutaneous adipose tissue amount | ATOL_0000551 | [any measurable characteristic related to the quantity of fat-storing tissue located directly beneath the skin, toute caractéristique associée à la quantité de tissu adipeux situé directement en-dessous de la peau] |
white adipose tissue amount trait | ATOL_0000381 | [toute caractéristique mesurable ou observable associée à la quantité d'adipocytes et de tissu adipeux blanc, any measurable or observable characteristic related to the quantity of white fat-storing cells/tissue] |
visceral adipose tissue weight trait | ATOL_0000552 | [toute caractéristique associée au poids du tissu adipeux qui entoure les organes internes, any measurable characteristic related to the weight of the fat-storing tissue surrounding internal organs] |
abdominal adipose tissue weight trait | ATOL_0001540 | [any measurable characteristic related to the weight of the fat-storing tissue lining the abdominal cavity and surrounding the internal organs, toute caractéristique associée au poids du tissu adipeux qui tapisse la cavité abdominale et entoure les organes internes] |
egg albumen weight | ATOL_0001882 | [toute caractéristique mesurable ou observable associée à la quantité de matière issue de la substance gélatineuse protectrice et nutritive qui entoure le jaune d'oeuf (poids de l'oeuf entier moins les poids du jaune et de la coquille), any measurable or observable characteristic related to the amount of matter in the nutritive and protective gelatinous substance surrounding egg yolk (weight of the entire egg minus the weights of the yolk and shell)] |
laying period | ATOL_0001870 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the time during which a laying bird flock is productive, the laying period is generally limited to the period during which the laying rate is higher than 10% (number of eggs for 100 laying hens per day)] |
carcass yield | ATOL_0000548 | [toute caractéristique mesurable ou observable associée au rendement obtenu après transformation de la carcasse pour en enlever certaines parties, normalisée par le poids de l'animal, any measurable or observable characteristic related to the yield obtained after processing of a carcass to remove specific parts, normalised by the body weight of the animal] |
milk fat yield | ATOL_0000549 | [any measurable characteristic related to the total amount of milk fat produced] |
milk fat trait | ATOL_0000252 | [any measurable characteristic related to milk fat] |
egg yolk diameter | ATOL_0001879 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the diameter of the yolk when an egg is broken onto a flat surface, toute caractéristique mesurable ou observable associée au diamètre du jaune quand un oeuf est cassé sur une surface plate] |
egg length to width ratio | ATOL_0001878 | [toute caractéristique mesurable ou observable associée au ratio entre la longueur et le diamètre le plus important d'un oeuf, ce paramètre augmentant avec l'âge de la poule, any measurable or observable characteristic related to the ratio between the length and the largest diameter of an egg, this parameter increasing with the hen's age] |