All terms in ATOL
Label | Id | Description |
feces lysine content | ATOL_0001436 | [any measurable characteristic related to the concentration of the lysine (CHEBI:25094) in feces] |
omasum volume | ATOL_0000588 | [the three-dimensional area occupied by the third forestomach of ruminants which connects the reticulum to the abomasum] |
omasum morphology | ATOL_0000587 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the shape, structure or color of the third forestomach of ruminants which connects the reticulum to the abomasum] |
skeletal muscle myosin heavy chain type IIx content | ATOL_0000104 | [toute caractéristique associée à la proportion ou à la quantité d'isoformes de chaînes lourdes de myosine de type IIx dans les muscles squelettiques, any measurable characteristic related to the proportion or amount of myosin heavy chain isoform type IIx present in skeletal muscles] |
muscle oxidative fibres number | ATOL_0000105 | [toute caractéristique mesurable associée au nombre de fibres oxydatives qui réagissent positivement après la révélation de l'activité d'une enzyme oxydative, comme la succinate déshydrogénase et divisé par le nombre de fibres musculaires comptées sur une , any measurable characteristic related to the number of myofibres staining positively after revelation of the activity of an oxidative enzyme, such as succinate dehydrogenase, and divided by the number of myofibres counted in selected fields of a muscle cr] |
feces leucine content | ATOL_0001435 | [any measurable characteristic related to the concentration of the leucine (CHEBI:25017) in feces] |
feces isoleucine content | ATOL_0001434 | [any measurable characteristic related to the concentration of the isoleucine (CHEBI:24898) in feces] |
rumen papillae morphology | ATOL_0000586 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the shape, structure or color of the papillae of the reticulo-rumen] |
meat water protein ratio | ATOL_0000102 | [toute caractéristique mesurable du rapport entre l'eau et la teneur en protéines de la viande, any measurable characteristic of the ratio between water and protein content of the meat] |
skeletal muscle fibre total number | ATOL_0000103 | [any measurable characteristic related to the number of muscle fibres estimated by extrapolation from the number of fibres counted over selected fields in a histological muscle cross-section and from the muscle cross-section total area, or counted directly, "toute caractéristique mesurable associée au nombre de fibres musculaires. Ce nombre est estimé par extrapolation du nombre de fibres comptées sur une coupe transversale histologique de muscle et la mesure de l'aire totale de celui-ci ] |
skeletal muscle fibre morphology at the cellular level | ATOL_0000015 | [any measurable or observable cellular morphology characteristic related to skeletal muscle fibres, toute caractéristique mesurable ou observable de la morphologie des fibres musculaires squelettiques] |
feces histidine content | ATOL_0001433 | [any measurable characteristic related to the concentration of the histidine (CHEBI:27570) in feces] |
feces glycine content | ATOL_0001432 | [any measurable characteristic related to the concentration of the glycine (CHEBI:15428) in feces] |
meat omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acid ratio | ATOL_0000100 | [toute caractéristique mesurable du ratio entre les acides gras de la famille des oméga-6 (CHEBI:36009) et les acides gras de la famille des oméga-3 (CHEBI:25681), en tant qu'indicateur de la valeur nutritionnelle de la viande, any measurable characteristic of the ratio between fatty acids of the omega-6 (CHEBI:36009) family to fatty acids of the omega-3 (CHEBI:25681) family as an index of the health value of meat] |
rumen epithelium thickness | ATOL_0000585 | [the depth or width of the thin, membranous tissue that lines the internal surface of the reticulo-rumen] |
meat dry matter content | ATOL_0000101 | [toute caractéristique mesurable de la teneur en matière sèche de la viande, any measurable characteristic of the dry matter content of meat] |
feces glutamine content | ATOL_0001431 | [any measurable characteristic related to the concentration of the glutamine (CHEBI:28300) in feces] |
feed intestinal digestible protein | ATOL_0001265 | [any measurable characteristic related to proteins really absorbed in the small intestine, including dietary and microbial proteins] |
feed apparent digestible nitrogen | ATOL_0001263 | [any measurable characteristic related to apparent digestible nitrogen of feed: feed nitrogen content x nitrogen apparent digestibility] |
egg albumen immunomodulative activity | ATOL_0002112 | [toute caractéristique mesurable ou observable associée à la capacité de la substance gélatineuse protectrice et nutritive qui entoure le jaune d'oeuf à moduler la réponse du système immunitaire, any measurable or observable characteristic of the ability of the nutritive and protective gelatinous substance surrounding egg yolk to modulate the immune system response] |