All terms in ATOL
Label | Id | Description |
fatty liver omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acid ratio | ATOL_0002212 | [any measurable characteristic of ratio between fatty acids of omega-6 family to fatty acids of omega-3 family as an index of healthy value of fatty liver] |
digesta cis9-C16:1 fatty acid content | ATOL_0001365 | [any measurable characteristic related to the concentration of cis-9-hexadecenoic fatty acid (CHEBI:24548) in digesta] |
digesta C6:0 fatty acid content | ATOL_0001353 | [any measurable characteristic related to the concentration of hexanoic fatty acid (caproic acid: CHEBI:30776) in digesta] |
digesta volatile fatty acid content | ATOL_0005301 | [any measurable characteristic related to the concentration of short-chain fatty acid in alimentary tract contents, toute caractéristique mesurable liée à la concentration d'acide gras à chaîne courte dans le contenu du tube digestif] |
muscle citrate synthase activity | ATOL_0000021 | [any measurable characteristic related to the activity level of citrate synthase in muscle as relevant to the oxidative pathway, toute caractéristique mesurable associée au niveau d'activité du citrate synthase dans le muscle] |
skeletal muscle enzyme activity trait | ATOL_0000019 | [any measurable or observable enzymatic activity of fat-storing cells and myofibres found in skeletal muscles, toute activité enzymatique mesurable ou observable des cellules de stockage des lipides et des fibres du muscle squelettique] |
digesta C5:0 fatty acid content | ATOL_0001352 | [any measurable characteristic related to the concentration of pentanoic fatty acid (valeric acid: CHEBI:17418) in digesta] |
digesta C4:0 fatty acid content | ATOL_0001351 | [any measurable characteristic related to the concentration of butanoic fatty acid (butyric acid: CHEBI:30772) in digesta] |
muscle lactate dehydrogenase activity | ATOL_0000020 | [any measurable characteristic related to the activity level of lactate dehydrogenase in muscle as relevant to the glycolytic pathway, toute caractéristique mesurable associée au niveau d'activité de la lactate déshydrogénase dans le muscle ] |
digesta C3:0 fatty acid content | ATOL_0001350 | [any measurable characteristic related to the concentration of propanoic fatty acid (propionic acid: CHEBI:30768) in digesta] |
muscle malic enzyme activity | ATOL_0000029 | [activité de l'enzyme malique telle qu'associée à la biosynthèse des acides gras de novo, activity of malic enzyme as relevant for de novo fatty acid synthesis] |
fatty liver moisture level | ATOL_0002206 | [any measurable characteristics of the amount of moisture in a fatty liver, determined by the difference in weight before and after oven drying] |
fatty liver minor constituent content | ATOL_0002201 | [any measure of the different fatty liver component other than protein, lipid and glucid] |
digesta C14:0 fatty acid content | ATOL_0001359 | [any measurable characteristic related to the concentration of tetradecanoic fatty acid (myristic acid: CHEBI:28875) in digesta] |
intramuscular adipocyte morphology at the molecular level | ATOL_0000027 | [any measurable or observable molecular characteristic of fat-storing cells found in skeletal muscles, toute caractéristique mesurable ou observable des cellules de stockage des lipides du muscle squelettique au niveau moléculaire] |
intramuscular adipocyte morphology | ATOL_0000501 | [toute caractéristique mesurable ou observable associée à la forme ou la structure des adipocytes dans les muscles squelettiques, any measurable or observable characteristic related to the shape or structure of the fat-storing cells found in skeletal muscles] |
muscle fatty acid synthase activity | ATOL_0000028 | [activité de l'acide gras synthase, telle qu'associée à la biosynthèse des acides gras de novo, activity of fatty acid synthase as relevant for de novo fatty acid synthesis] |
fatty liver vitamin content | ATOL_0002205 | [any measure of the different fatty liver vitamin quantity] |
digesta C12:0 fatty acid content | ATOL_0001358 | [any measurable characteristic related to the concentration of dodecanoic fatty acid (lauric acid: CHEBI:30805) in digesta] |
digesta C10:0 fatty acid content | ATOL_0001357 | [any measurable characteristic related to the concentration of decanoic fatty acid (capric acid: CHEBI:30813) in digesta] |