All terms in EXTRUONT
Label | Id | Description |
Breaker plate | BreakerPlate | [The breaker plate is a round disk containing many holes that is placed between the barrel and the head.] |
Thrust bearing | ThrustBearing | [A thrust bearing is a particular type of rotary bearing. Like other bearings they permit rotation between parts, but they are designed to support a predominantly axial load.] |
Screw | Screw | [The screw conveys material forward, contributing to the heating and melting, homogenizing and mixing the melt, and delivering the melt to the die.] |
Fan | Fan | [The main role of the extruder fan is to cool down the extruder temperature zones.] |
Filter | Filter | [A device through which polymer is passed to remove suspended impurities.] |
Feed hopper | FeedHopper | [A hopper into which polymer is poured at intervals and from which it is regularly fed to a extruder.] |
Gear box | GearBox | [gear boxes are used to increase torque while reducing the speed of a prime mover output shaft.] |
Head and die assembly | HeadAndDieAssembly | [System that contains the head and die of the extruder.] |
Extruder | Extruder | [A machine comprised of a barrel with a temperature control, houseing one or more rotating screws which pass plastic material from the feed aperture and the movs it in the form of melt under pressure through a die., Máquina compuesta por un barril con control de temperatura, que aloja uno o más tornillos giratorios que pasan material plástico desde la abertura de alimentación y lo mueven en forma de masa fundida bajo presión a través de una boquilla.] |
Vocabulary | Vocabulary | |
Celsius temperature | CelsiusTemperature | |
Actuatable Property | ActuatableProperty | [An actuatable quality (property, characteristic) of a FeatureOfInterest.] |
Property | Property | [A quality of an entity. An aspect of an entity that is intrinsic to and cannot exist without the entity.] |
square prefixed metre | SquarePrefixedMetre | |
unit exponentiation | UnitExponentiation | |
prefixed watt | PrefixedWatt | |
stress unit | StressUnit | |
DoubleValueObservation | DoubleValueObservation | [An observation whose simple result is a double value] |
Crammer feeding system | CrammerFeedingSystem | [Crammer feeding system can improve the feed acceptance of low bulk density materials and increase the extruder’s production capabilities.] |
volume | Volume | [Volume is a measure of how much three-dimensional space any phenomenon occupies. It is a derived quantity in the International System of Units. Volume is length to the power 3.] |