All terms in EXTRUONT
Label | Id | Description |
X3DBoundedObject | X3DBoundedObject | [This abstract node type is the basis for all node types that have bounds specified as part of the definition. The bboxCenter and bboxSize fields specify a bounding box that encloses the grouping node's children. This is a hint that may be used for optimization purposes.] |
X3DChildNode | X3DChildNode | [This abstract node type indicates that the concrete nodes that are instantiated based on it may be used in children, addChildren, and removeChildren fields.] |
pressure | Pressure | [Pressure is the force applied to or distributed over a surface. It is a derived quantity in the International System of Units. Pressure is force divided by area.] |
geographic image | SIO_000301 | |
photograph | SIO_000082 | |
scatterplot | SIO_000423 | |
Viscosity sensor | ViscositySensor | [Viscosity sensor enables continuous monitoring of viscosity, relative dielectric number and temperature of materials in order to provide effective real-time assessment of the material condition.] |
DoubleValueSensor | DoubleValueSensor | [A sensor that observes a quantity kind property] |
Extrusion head with cyclical operation | ExtrusionHeadWithCyclicalOperation | [Extrusion head with a cyclical operation mode.] |
Transform | Transform | [The Transform node is a grouping node that defines a coordinate system for its children that is relative to the coordinate systems of its ancestors. The translation, rotation, scale, scaleOrientation and center fields define a geometric 3D transformation.] |
X3DTransformNode | X3DTransformNode | [This abstract node type is the basis for all node types that group and transform their children.] |
Quantity of plates | QuantityOfPlates | [Categorization depending on the quantity of plates] |
pressure unit | PressureUnit | |
table | SIO_000419 | |
figure | SIO_000080 | |
interval scale | IntervalScale | |
prefixed ampere | PrefixedAmpere | |
Extrusion head for profiles | ExtrusionHeadForProfiles | [The extrusion heads of this type are used for pipes, rods, flat bars, window and door profiles, profiles for furniture industry (for plate finishing), profiles for building industry (cable covering profiles and finishing profiles) and many others.] |
Polymer | Polymer | [Polymers are materials made of long, repeating chains of molecules. The materials have unique properties, depending on the type of molecules being bonded and how they are bonded. Some polymers bend and stretch, like rubber and polyester. Others are hard and tough, like epoxies and glass] |
thermal conductivity | ThermalConductivity | [Termal conductivity indicates the ability of a material to conduct heat.] |