All terms in EXTRUONT
Label | Id | Description |
thermal conductivity unit | ThermalConductivityUnit | |
Melt feeding system | MeltFeedingSystem | [Molten polymer is fed directly to the extruder.] |
Gantt chart | SIO_000922 | |
chart | SIO_000904 | |
electric potential | ElectricPotential | [Electric potential is the potential energy per unit charge associated with static (time-invariant) electric field.] |
measure | Measure | [A measure combines a number to a unit of measure. For example, "3 m" is a measure.] |
pie chart | SIO_000929 | |
mereological chart | SIO_000940 | |
Physical object | PhysicalObject | [Any Object that has a proper space region. The prototypical physical object has also an associated mass, but the nature of its mass can greatly vary based on the epistemological status of the object (scientifically measured, subjectively possible, imaginary).] |
Several polymers extrusion head | SeveralPolymersExtrusionHead | [Extrusion head for several polymers.] |
distance | Distance | |
angular speed | AngularSpeed | |
BooleanObservation | BooleanObservation | [An observation whose simple result is a boolean value] |
Cast heater band | CastHeaterBand | [Heater band made of cast.] |
Twin screw extruder | TwinScrewExtruder | [Extruder that contains twin screws.] |
directed acyclic graph | SIO_001332 | |
network diagram | SIO_000931 | |
geographic heatmap | SIO_000910 | |
heatmap | SIO_000907 | |
histogram | SIO_000911 |