All terms in HP
Label | Id | Description |
Dense calcifications in the cerebellar dentate nucleus | HP_0002461 | |
Abnormality of the dentate nucleus | HP_0100321 | [An abnormality of the dentate nucleus.] |
Cerebellar calcifications | HP_0007352 | |
phrenic vein | UBERON_0012193 | [The veins that run parallel to the phrenic arteries which include the two superior and two inferior phrenic veins.] |
intercostal vein | UBERON_0012197 | [The intercostal veins are a group of veins which drain the area between the ribs.] |
cardiopharyngeal field | UBERON_0036146 | [An region of the mesoderm that includes anterior lateral mesoderm of the first heart field plus contiguous pharyngeal mesoderm that gives rise to second-heart-field-derived regions of the heart and branchiomeric muscles.] |
anlage | UBERON_0007688 | [Anlagen are populations of contiguous cells, typically arranged in one plane, that are morphologically indistinct, but that already correspond in extent to a later organ/tissue.] |
rib | UBERON_0002228 | [An intersegmental rod-shaped bone that forms in the peritoneal membrane and attach to the vertebral parapophyses.] |
thoracic rib cage | UBERON_0003252 | [Subdivision of skeletal system that consists of all ribs in an organism connected to the sternum and the vertebrae. Some vertebrates have abdominal ribs (gastrialia), not connected to the vertebrate - these are not considered part of the rib case.] |
limb segment | UBERON_0002529 | [A major subdivision of a mature or developing limb, including both skeletal elements (or the mesenchyme that gives rise to the skeletal elements) and associated tissues, such as muscle, connective tissue, integument. Examples: autopod region, zeugopod region, stylopod region, metapodial region, arm region. Excludes the limb girdles.] |
autopod region | UBERON_0002470 | [Terminal segment of free limb, immediately distal to the zeugopod region. The fully developed autopod consists of the autopod skeleton plus associated structures such as integument, muscle tissue, vasculature etc. The autopod is divided into mesopodial, metapodiual, and acropodial segments. Examples: human hand, mouse paw, human foot] |
posterior region of body | UBERON_0000154 | |
anterior region of body | UBERON_0000153 | |
anatomical conduit | UBERON_0004111 | [Any tube, opening or passage that connects two distinct anatomical spaces.] |
embryonic skin basal layer | UBERON_0011272 | |
large intestine | UBERON_0000059 | [A subdivision of the digestive tract that connects the small intestine to the cloaca or anus. Lacks or has few villi[Kardong].] |
feces | UBERON_0001988 | [Portion of semisolid bodily waste discharged through the anus[MW,modified]] |
anus | UBERON_0001245 | [Orifice at the opposite end of an animal's digestive tract from the mouth. Its function is to expel feces, unwanted semi-solid matter produced during digestion, which, depending on the type of animal, may be one or more of: matter which the animal cannot digest, such as bones; food material after all the nutrients have been extracted, for example cellulose or lignin; ingested matter which would be toxic if it remained in the digestive tract; and dead or excess gut bacteria and other endosymbionts.] |
membranous layer | UBERON_0000158 | |
mesopodium region | UBERON_0006716 | [The third segment of the limb, including either the wrist segment (carpus) or the ankle segment (tarsus)] |