All terms in HP
Label | Id | Description |
Stroke-like episode | HP_0002401 | [No consensus exists on what a stroke-like episode is, but these episodes can be functionally defined as a new neurological deficit, occurring with or without the context of seizures, which last longer than 24 hours.] |
nose tip | UBERON_0012128 | [Outermost point on an external nose or snout] |
anatomical point | UBERON_0006983 | [Non-material anatomical entity of zero dimension, which forms a boundary of an anatomical line or surface.] |
external nose | UBERON_0007827 | [External part of the nose containing the external nares.] |
Thickened superior cerebellar peduncle | HP_0002404 | [Increased width of the superior cerebellar peduncle.] |
Abnormality of the superior cerebellar peduncle | HP_0011932 | [An anomaly of the superior cerebellar peduncle.] |
Positive Romberg sign | HP_0002403 | [The patient stands with the feet placed together and balance and is asked to close his or her eyes. A loss of balance upon eye closure is a positive Romberg sign and is interpreted as indicating a deficit in proprioception.] |
Impaired proprioception | HP_0010831 | [A loss or impairment of the sensation of the relative position of parts of the body and joint position.] |
genitourinary system | UBERON_0004122 | [Anatomical system that has as its parts the organs concerned with the production and excretion of urine and those concerned with reproduction.] |
subdivision of digestive tract | UBERON_0004921 | [A proximal-distal subdivision of the digestive tract.] |
digestive system | UBERON_0001007 | [Anatomical system that has as its parts the organs devoted to the ingestion, digestion, and assimilation of food and the discharge of residual wastes.] |
alimentary part of gastrointestinal system | UBERON_0005409 | [The part of the digestive system that excludes the hepatobiliary system.] |
oral opening | UBERON_0000166 | [The orifice that connects the mouth to the exterior of the body.] |
future mouth | UBERON_0035804 | [The primordial mouth region of the developing head.] |
primitive urogenital sinus | UBERON_0000164 | [the ventral part of the cloaca remaining after septation of the rectum, which further develops into part of the bladder, part of the prostatic part of the male urethra and the urethra and vestibule in females] |
intermediate mesoderm | UBERON_0003064 | [The intermediate mesoderm is located between the lateral mesoderm and the paraxial mesoderm. It develops into the kidney and gonads.] |
embryonic cloaca | UBERON_0000163 | [endoderm-lined chamber that develops as pouch-like dilation of the caudal end of the hindgut and receives the allantois ventrally and two mesonephric ducts laterally; caudally it ends blindly at the cloacal membrane formed by the union of proctodeal (anal pit) ectoderm and cloacal endoderm, with no intervening mesoderm[MP].] |
renal system | UBERON_0001008 | [The renal system in an anatomical system that maintains fluid balance and contributes to electrolyte balance, acid/base balance, and disposal of nitrogenous waste products..] |
proximal-distal subdivision of colon | UBERON_0000168 | [A section dividing a colon along a proximal-distal axis.] |
oral cavity | UBERON_0000167 | [Anatomical cavity at the start of the digestive tract that that is enclosed by the mouth. The boundaries and contents vary depending on the species. In vertebrates, the boundaries are the oral opening, the cheeks, the palate and (if present) the palatoglossal arch - if this is not present then the mouth and pharynx form the oropharyngeal cavity. The buccal cavity contains the teeth, tongue and palate (when present)] |