All individuals in MESHD
Label | Id | Description |
Common Cold | D003139 | [A catarrhal disorder of the upper respiratory tract, which may be viral or a mixed infection. It generally involves a runny nose, nasal congestion, and sneezing., Inflammation of a mucous membrane with increased flow of mucous in humans or animals. Catarrh is used mostly in a historical context.] |
Common Variable Immunodeficiency | D017074 | [Heterogeneous group of immunodeficiency syndromes characterized by hypogammaglobulinemia of most isotypes, variable B-cell defects, and the presence of recurrent bacterial infections.] |
Commotio Cordis | D056104 | [A sudden CARDIAC ARRHYTHMIA (e.g., VENTRICULAR FIBRILLATION) caused by a blunt, non-penetrating impact to the precordial region of chest wall. Commotio cordis often results in sudden death without prompt cardiopulmonary defibrillation.] |
Communicable Diseases | D003141 | [An illness caused by an infectious agent or its toxins that occurs through the direct or indirect transmission of the infectious agent or its products from an infected individual or via an animal, vector or the inanimate environment to a susceptible animal or human host.] |
Communicable Diseases, Emerging | D021821 | [Infectious diseases that are novel in their outbreak ranges (geographic and host) or transmission mode.] |
Communicable Diseases, Imported | D000076263 | [Infectious diseases originating in one geographically delineated ecosystem that are carried (by travel or immigration) to another geographically delineated ecosystem by an infected individual, animal, or disease vector.] |
Communication Disorders | D003147 | [Disorders of verbal and nonverbal communication caused by receptive or expressive LANGUAGE DISORDERS, cognitive dysfunction (e.g., MENTAL RETARDATION), psychiatric conditions, and HEARING DISORDERS.] |
Community-Acquired Infections | D017714 | [Any infection acquired in the community, that is, contrasted with those acquired in a health care facility (CROSS INFECTION). An infection would be classified as community-acquired if the patient had not recently been in a health care facility or been in contact with someone who had been recently in a health care facility.] |
Compartment Syndromes | D003161 | [Conditions in which increased pressure within a limited space compromises the BLOOD CIRCULATION and function of tissue within that space. Some of the causes of increased pressure are TRAUMA, tight dressings, HEMORRHAGE, and exercise. Sequelae include nerve compression (NERVE COMPRESSION SYNDROMES); PARALYSIS; and ISCHEMIC CONTRACTURE.] |
Compassion Fatigue | D000068376 | [Emotional distress caused by repeated or prolonged expression of compassion or empathy. It may occur in individuals working in care giving professions.] |
Complex Regional Pain Syndromes | D020918 | [Conditions characterized by pain involving an extremity or other body region, HYPERESTHESIA, and localized autonomic dysfunction following injury to soft tissue or nerve. The pain is usually associated with ERYTHEMA; SKIN TEMPERATURE changes, abnormal sudomotor activity (i.e., changes in sweating due to altered sympathetic innervation) or edema. The degree of pain and other manifestations is out of proportion to that expected from the inciting event. Two subtypes of this condition have been described: type I; (REFLEX SYMPATHETIC DYSTROPHY) and type II; (CAUSALGIA). (From Pain 1995 Oct;63(1):127-33)] |
Composite Lymphoma | D058617 | [Two or more distinct types of malignant lymphoid tumors occurring within a single organ or tissue at the same time. It may contain different types of non-Hodgkin lymphoma cells or both Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma cells.] |
Conducted Energy Weapon Injuries | D057667 | [The injuries caused by conducted energy weapons such as stun guns, shock batons, and cattle prods.] |
Condylomata Acuminata | D003218 | [Sexually transmitted form of anogenital warty growth caused by the human papillomaviruses.] |
Cone Dystrophy | D000077765 | [A general term which describes a group of rare eye disorders that affect the cone cells of the RETINA. Cone dystrophy can cause a variety of symptoms including decreased visual clarity or acuity when looking straight ahead (central vision), a reduced ability to see colors, and an increased sensitivity to light (PHOTOPOBIA).] |
Cone-Rod Dystrophies | D000071700 | [Genetically heterogeneous and sometimes syndromic (e.g., BARDET BIEDL SYNDROME; and SPINOCEREBELLAR ATAXIA TYPE 7) retinopathies with initial RETINAL CONE involvement. They are characterized by decreased VISUAL ACUITY; COLOR VISION DEFECTS; progressive loss of peripheral vision and night blindness.] |
Confusion | D003221 | [A mental state characterized by bewilderment, emotional disturbance, lack of clear thinking, and perceptual disorientation.] |
Congenital Abnormalities | D000013 | [Malformations of organs or body parts during development in utero.] |
Congenital Disorders of Glycosylation | D018981 | [A genetically heterogeneous group of heritable disorders resulting from defects in protein N-glycosylation.] |
Congenital Hyperinsulinism | D044903 | [A familial, nontransient HYPOGLYCEMIA with defects in negative feedback of GLUCOSE-regulated INSULIN release. Clinical phenotypes include HYPOGLYCEMIA; HYPERINSULINEMIA; SEIZURES; COMA; and often large BIRTH WEIGHT. Several sub-types exist with the most common, type 1, associated with mutations on an ATP-BINDING CASSETTE TRANSPORTERS (subfamily C, member 8).] |