All individuals in MESHD
Label | Id | Description |
Congenital Hypothyroidism | D003409 | [A condition in infancy or early childhood due to an in-utero deficiency of THYROID HORMONES that can be caused by genetic or environmental factors, such as thyroid dysgenesis or HYPOTHYROIDISM in infants of mothers treated with THIOURACIL during pregnancy. Endemic cretinism is the result of iodine deficiency. Clinical symptoms include severe MENTAL RETARDATION, impaired skeletal development, short stature, and MYXEDEMA.] |
Congenital Microtia | D065817 | [Malformation of external portion of EAR AURICLE.] |
Congenital, Hereditary, and Neonatal Diseases and Abnormalities | D009358 | [Diseases existing at birth and often before birth, or that develop during the first month of life (INFANT, NEWBORN, DISEASES), regardless of causation. Of these diseases, those characterized by structural deformities are termed CONGENITAL ABNORMALITIES.] |
Conjunctival Diseases | D003229 | [Diseases involving the CONJUNCTIVA.] |
Conjunctival Neoplasms | D003230 | [Tumors or cancer of the CONJUNCTIVA.] |
Conjunctivitis | D003231 | [INFLAMMATION of the CONJUNCTIVA.] |
Conjunctivitis, Acute Hemorrhagic | D003232 | [A highly contagious disease characterized by subconjunctival hemorrhage, sudden swelling of the eyelids and congestion, redness, and pain in the eye. Epidemic conjunctivitis caused by Enterovirus 70 (EV-70) was first described in Africa in 1969. It is caused also by Coxsackievirus A24 variant (CA24v). Epidemics by this organism have appeared most frequently in Asia.] |
Conjunctivitis, Allergic | D003233 | [Conjunctivitis due to hypersensitivity to various allergens.] |
Conjunctivitis, Bacterial | D003234 | [Purulent infections of the conjunctiva by several species of gram-negative, gram-positive, or acid-fast organisms. Some of the more commonly found genera causing conjunctival infections are Haemophilus, Streptococcus, Neisseria, and Chlamydia.] |
Conjunctivitis, Inclusion | D003235 | [An infection of the eyes characterized by the presence in conjunctival epithelial cells of inclusion bodies indistinguishable from those of trachoma. It is acquired by infants during birth and by adults from swimming pools. The etiological agent is CHLAMYDIA TRACHOMATIS whose natural habitat appears to be the genito-urinary tract. Inclusion conjunctivitis is a less severe disease than trachoma and usually clears up spontaneously.] |
Conjunctivitis, Viral | D003236 | [Inflammation, often mild, of the conjunctiva caused by a variety of viral agents. Conjunctival involvement may be part of a systemic infection.] |
Connective Tissue Diseases | D003240 | [A heterogeneous group of disorders, some hereditary, others acquired, characterized by abnormal structure or function of one or more of the elements of connective tissue, i.e., collagen, elastin, or the mucopolysaccharides.] |
Consciousness Disorders | D003244 | [Organic mental disorders in which there is impairment of the ability to maintain awareness of self and environment and to respond to environmental stimuli. Dysfunction of the cerebral hemispheres or brain stem RETICULAR FORMATION may result in this condition.] |
Constipation | D003248 | [Infrequent or difficult evacuation of FECES. These symptoms are associated with a variety of causes, including low DIETARY FIBER intake, emotional or nervous disturbances, systemic and structural disorders, drug-induced aggravation, and infections., Symptom characterized by the passage of stool once a week or less., Difficult defecation.] |
Constriction, Pathologic | D003251 | [The condition of an anatomical structure's being constricted beyond normal dimensions.] |
Contracture | D003286 | [Prolonged shortening of the muscle or other soft tissue around a joint, preventing movement of the joint.] |
Contrecoup Injury | D056886 | [An injury in which the damage is located on the opposite side of the primary impact site. A blow to the back of head which results in contrecoup injury to the frontal lobes of the brain is the most common type.] |
Contusions | D003288 | [Injuries resulting in hemorrhage, usually manifested in the skin.] |
Convalescence | D003289 | [The period of recovery following an illness.] |
Coproporphyria, Hereditary | D046349 | [An autosomal dominant porphyria that is due to a deficiency of COPROPORPHYRINOGEN OXIDASE in the LIVER, the sixth enzyme in the 8-enzyme biosynthetic pathway of HEME. Clinical features include both neurological symptoms and cutaneous lesions. Patients excrete increased levels of porphyrin precursors, 5-AMINOLEVULINATE and COPROPORPHYRINS.] |