All terms in ATOL
Label | Id | Description |
egg albumen viscosity | ATOL_0002082 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the objective measurement of the consistency of the nutritive and protective gelatinous substance surrounding egg yolk, typically measured by the proportion of thick egg albumen, determined by the Haugh method (Haugh value, usually considered as an indicator of the egg freshness), toute caractéristique mesurable ou observable associée à la mesure objective de la consistance de la substance gélatineuse protectrice et nutritive qui entoure le jaune d'oeuf, habituellement mesurée par la proportion d'albumen épais de l'oeuf, déterminée par la méthode Haugh (unité Haugh, habituellement considérée comme un indicateur de la fraîcheur de l'oeuf)] |
milk brown flavor intensity | ATOL_0000739 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the intensity score for milk aromatics that are brown and create a rounded, full-bodied impression] |
C4:0 fatty acid absorption | ATOL_0005180 | [any measurable characteristic related to the absorption of butanoic fatty acid (butyric acid: CHEBI:30772)] |
fatty acid absorption | ATOL_0005171 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the absorption of fatty acid (CHEBI:35366)] |
milk viscosity | ATOL_0000737 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the resistance of milk to being deformed by either shear stress or extensional stress] |
cis9-C16:1 fatty acid absorption | ATOL_0005181 | [any measurable characteristic related to the absorption of cis-9-hexadecenoic fatty acid (CHEBI:24548)] |
milk organoleptic trait | ATOL_0000738 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to qualities of milk that involve perception by the human senses] |
C12:0 fatty acid absorption | ATOL_0005182 | [any measurable characteristic related to the absorption of dodecanoic fatty acid (lauric acid: CHEBI:30805)] |
milk heat stability | ATOL_0000735 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the property of milk to resist coagulation when heated to a high temperature] |
n-3 fatty acid absorption | ATOL_0005183 | [any measurable characteristic related to the absorption of n-3 fatty acid (CHEBI:25681)] |
milk pH | ATOL_0000736 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the relative acidity or alkalinity of milk, as measured by the concentration of hydrogen ion] |
C3:0 fatty acid absorption | ATOL_0005184 | [any measurable characteristic related to the absorption of propanoic fatty acid (propionic acid: CHEBI:30768)] |
curd firmness | ATOL_0000733 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the hardness of milk after it has become a soft semisolid] |
C8:0 fatty acid absorption | ATOL_0005185 | [any measurable characteristic related to the absorption of octanoic fatty acid (caprylic acid: CHEBI:28837)] |
cream churning time | ATOL_0000734 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the time required to obtain butter from cream] |
butter-making aptitude trait | ATOL_0000300 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the milk ability to have a high butter yield and to produce a spreadable butter with a good taste] |
C2:0 fatty acid absorption | ATOL_0005186 | [any measurable characteristic related to the absorption of ethanoic fatty acid (acetic acid: CHEBI:15366)] |
C6:0 fatty acid absorption | ATOL_0005187 | [any measurable characteristic related to the absorption of hexanoic fatty acid (caproic acid: CHEBI:30776)] |
milk coagulation time | ATOL_0000732 | [any measurable or observable characteristic related to the time between the introduction of rennet or lactic acid in the milk and the development of the first particles of coagulated milk] |
C17:0 fatty acid absorption | ATOL_0005188 | [any measurable characteristic related to the absorption of heptadecanoic fatty acid (margaric acid: CHEBI:32365)] |